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Flexible Workforce Development Fund

The Flexible Workforce Development Fund supports businesses in Scotland to up-skill and re-skill their employees to support inclusive economic growth in Scotland. As an employer you can use it to address priority skills gaps and get training tailored to your needs.


Support for Employers

The Fund is in addition to apprenticeship support, access to which is available to all employers in Scotland; and the Individual Training Accounts (ITAs), which provide eligible individuals with the opportunity to undertake learning opportunities to develop their skills for employment.


Eligibility and funding 

The Fund is available both to UK Apprenticeship Levy-payers and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across the private, public and third sectors in Scotland. It provides access to training up to the value of £15,000 for Levy-payers and up to the value of £5,000 for non-levy payers (SME’s). The training is delivered in partnership with local colleges, the Open University in Scotland (OUiS) or independent training providers, where specific training needs cannot be provided via a local college. The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) administers the scheme on behalf of colleges and OUiS, while Skills Development Scotland (SDS) administers the scheme on behalf of independent training providers.


Find out more

Further information on the Fund, the different funding routes and the application process is available on the SFC website and the OurSkillsForce website.

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